
Analysis of the Composition of Amphetamine Tablets, Fiscal Years 2007-2013
  • 4.12.2017
  • 7,014
Analysis of the Composition of Amphetamine Tablets, Fiscal Years 2007-2013
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Waliluk Matapatara, Phatcharin Nuangsai, Wirada Theeraratanabhandhu, Adisak Manlin
Year Year
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The wide spread of amphetamine abuse has caused serious problems to Thailand. The content analysis is one approach to control and suppressing the spread of amphetamine tablets. In order to determine the composition of amphetamine tablets, between October 2006 to September 2013, the situation on amphetamine tablet composition was evaluated. The authors collected database from Bureau of Drug and Narcotic, Department of Medical Sciences, for the qualitative and quantitative data of 44,140 samples of amphetamine tablets sent from the authority under the Royal Thai Police Headquarters. By using thin layer chromatography and gas chromatographic technique, the results showed that, for qualitative information, most amphetamine tablets consisted of methamphetamine hydrochloride and caffeine. The percentage by weight of methamphetamine hydrochloride quantitative detection was in the range of 0.00 to 40.00. From the seven years data, the highest range of percentage for methamphetamine hydrochloride detection was 15.01 to 20.00 from 32.98 to 83.86 percent of the total samples. There were also other ingradients in the drugs, such as N,N-dimethylamphetamine, ephedrine, paracetamol, chlorpheniramine maleate and diphenhydramine. Therefore, this study revealed the high incidence of amphetamine use, both the composition and the distribution. Therefore, information from this study is useful for the development of effective prevention programs to control illicit drugs in the country.