
The isolation of major compounds from Black ginger extract for the production of herbal Department of Medical Sciences reference standards
  • 1.4.2019
  • 12,819
The isolation of major compounds from Black ginger extract for the production of herbal Department of Medical Sciences reference standards
Owner / Producer Owner / Producer
Nawanit Thanaseelungkoon, Maytinee Limsiriwong
Year Year
Pages Pages

Black ginger (K. parviflora) was promoting as herbal Champion product. But there was a lack of reference standards for the quality control of raw materials, extracts and health products from Black ginger. For further step of herbal Department of Medical Sciences reference standards production, the isolation of three major compounds; DMF, TMF and PMF from Black ginger extract was studied by CC technique. TLC and UPLC-PDA-MS were used for identification. According to the results, the considered fraction (F4) containing three major compounds was obtained as 22.21% w/w of crude extract. After the separation of F4 fraction by flash column chromatography, TMF was isolated as 7.11% w/w of F4 and a combination fraction of DMF and PMF (F4-2) was obtained as 76.52% w/w of F4. Then the final step of column chromatograph was also operated for the separation of DMF from PMF as well. Based on this study, the isolation of these compounds is an efficient method in the production of herbal reference standards in the future.
Keywords: Black ginger extract, Isolation, Major compounds