
Developing Thai Laboratories Potential for Narcotics Testing in Urine
  • 8.1.2019
  • 2,963
Developing Thai Laboratories Potential for Narcotics Testing in Urine
Owner / Producer Owner / Producer
Orapin Tanunkat, Angkana Kritpitakngoen, Sumate Thiangthum
Year Year
Pages Pages

Drug testing in urine is a screening test used to identify a drug addict who is considered as a patient with treatment requirement. Test results with accuracy and precision are, therefore, essential. Our aim was to develop laboratory capacities on analysis of narcotics in urine specimens using 4 activities that were establishing proficiency testing (PT) programs for screening and confirmatory tests, providing training courses, empowering visit to participating laboratories and publishing guidelines for urine drug testing. PT panels for both programs were consisted of methamphetamine, morphine and marijuana that are the majority of drugs used in Thailand. The participating laboratories in the PT programs were shown to be increasing from 627 to 689 laboratories during October 2013 to September 2016. Laboratory performance in both PT programs was analyzed for developing a training curriculum and planning for empowerment during on-site visits, leading to continuous quality improvement of PT provider and its participants. In addition, two published guidelines on urine drug testing were resulted from a 3-year operation of PT programs. Taken together, all activities performed were useful for enhancing potential of narcotics testing laboratories in Thailand.